2023 KHSBCA Field Grant Winners: Dawson Springs Buckhorn Cordia Jackson City
The KHSBCA assists high school baseball programs who wish to improve their fields and facilities. 1 Field Grant awarded to each section this time at $500 each.
Send your request to your sectional representative. (below) (In your request make sure you describe what improvements you wish to make to your facility, give an approximate cost and include pictures if you can)
Deadline to send the request to your reps is Dec. 14th. (Keep in mind that this is a field grant, and we want the money to be spent on the playing facility. In the past we get a lot of request on hitting facilities, locker rooms, concession stands etc.. but we want to concentrate on improving the playing facilities)
Member schools receiving the award must be present at the clinic, and also members of our association. The KHSBCA will also be randomly drawing 3 field grant winners at the clinic to encourage your attendance.
Each request is carefully considered by a committee of KHSBCA Members.